Monday, September 17, 2012

I Want Orange. Like It or Not.

I wrote about how the name and logo of "Chimpped" came about, and realized I must not deprive you of knowing how the color combo of orange, white, dark brown and light brown came to be.  When it comes to color, there is an insurmountable number of choices and permutation of the choices.  Yet the color does become an important identity of a brand so we also did not belittle that decision (e.g. the blue of facebook, the metallic of apple, green of groupon and red of yelp).

We felt the color of Chimpped should also align well with the definition of our happy and smart little chimp.  At the same token, I did not want the the app or website to give the impression that we're just something fun when in fact our whole idea is providing a service to users and businesses.  Thus there needs to be a breath of stability and maturity in our brand as well.  A home presents that stability and I just like the decor palette of dark brown, light brown and tan, which give a sense of warmth.  We want users and service providers to feel "at home" and comfortable when viewing and using Chimpped.  Another image that this color palette reminded me of was chocolate -- creamy chocolate with multiple layers. 

We also needed that "something" to give the warm and cozy background palette an electrical and energetic boost.  Red seemed too aggressive for me.  Blue certainly would be a wannabe of someone, something.  Yellow on the palette would not stand out enough.  Purple is too new age for me.  Pink can be the color my daughter chooses for her website but not on mine please.  ORANGE it is - energetic, sharp, stylish but not too pressing. 


You would think the hardest part was to decide on the above.  But that was not the hardest part.  The hardest part was to extract what I wanted in my head and eyes into the exact shade and resolution to be replicated by our Graphic Designer.  It was always..."a notch lighter", "2 notches darker", "a different shade...not exactly that", etc etc.  Believe it or not, we still have designers working behind the scenes to fine-tune the colors and screens right now! 

OK...what's the point of all of this?  I spent 2 blogs talking about our logo and name and color.  You must be wondering..."and the point is?".  The point simply is just to share with you some parts of the journey.  It is no different than when you eat at restaurants and the chef sometimes come out to chat to you, excited about how he/she discovered the best tomatoes in a secret little farm or how adding a spoon of lemon juice into the dressing made all the difference in the new taste.  The chef is simply sharing his or her passion with you on the journey of making your dishes and in passion, every detail is memorable. 

I am just sharing with you the excitement, details and journey.  Having said that, there is just so much I can write about logos and colors.  Tony and I decided that for our next blog, we will share with you some helpful sites to use, which we discovered during the Chimpped journey.


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